A Girl’s Masterstroke; As Every Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction
You may be wondering what I’m talking about! So here’s what I want to draw your attention towards. Musician, singer, and rapper Honey Singh’s one of the most popular numbers: “Blue eyes, hypnotize teri kardi hai mennu“. The song that instantly come in everyone’s mind when they see a girl having blue eyes or a cat with blue eyes.
Though Honey Singh’s songs have nice music but the same we can’t say for the lyrics of his songs. With eye grabbing and not-so-usual lyrics, his songs become too catchy to ignore.
But the one thing that requires an extra heed is, in all his songs one thing is common which is Girls or can say all his songs are meant to Girls. I mean the lyrics of all his songs somehow are such that they cannot be used to describe women. Sometimes it makes a derogatory remarks too. Don’t you feel so!

However, as I mentioned earlier, ‘Every Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction’, So here is Every Male Action Has An Intelligent Woman’s Reaction.
Rene Sharanya Verma, a Delhi Poetry Slam has a befitting response to Honey Singh’s action. Watch the video of Verma and watch her take on the lyrics of Yo Yo Honey Singh.
Though, the video is not recent but as Honey Singh is away from the industry for quite sometimes now then this video best way to remind him :-p