Since the platform to interact with people has been increased, it gives the medium to people express their likes or dislikes for particular post. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have become the medium for celebrities to get connected with their fans and in return, fans comment if they like some doings of their favorite celebs while on the other hand, they troll if they do not like anything or find it less interesting.

Slut shaming and body shaming have become very common these days. When actresses post their pictures on social media platforms, people start trolling them mercilessly. Deepika Padukone, Nargis Fakhri, Esha Gupta, Fatima Sana Sheikh, Nia Sharma got targeted many times for their revealing pictures.
Though, the fans have not stopped here and lately what a fan did is not commendable at all.

A woman trolled the little angel of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Yes, the little girl Aaradhya Bachchan gets trolled for always being with her mother. Like really!
The woman Sherien Patadien wrote on Twitter and asked Abhishek if Aradhya goes to school?
“@juniorbachchan is ur child not going to school? I do wonder What school gives permission to take a out a kid when u like to go a a trip with mom. Or are u guys going for beauty without brains. Always hand in hand with a arrogant mom. Not having a normal childhood.”

To this, the dotting daddy replied:
“Ma’am, as far as I know… Most schools are shut for the week-end. She goes to school on the weekdays. Maybe you should try it considering you spelling in your tweet.”
Later, the woman replied back:
“A yeah the spellingAny thanks for the response . Most people think it but don’t have the guts say something. Maybe u guys should post some pictures of her as normal kid and not one always hanging on her moms arm.”

She also mentioned:
“May a few typing mistakes. I’m not from India so in didn’t know the school are closed. Anyways thanks for u reply.🏼”
However, Aaradhya’s daddy was enough to give the troll back but do you think, is it healthy to troll a little girl just because she is a daughter of celebrity?