One of those beautiful years in world’s technology is reaching its end in less than a week. With newer technologies and programming trends constantly hitting the market here are few of the most popular technologies that enchanted the techno-driven community.
JavaScript continues its reign in Browser support :
Being the most sought after server side scripting language by majority of web developers, JavaScript with its latest version launched in 2015, ‘the ECMAScript version 6’ or ‘the ES6’, supported many developers across the globe with its updated features. Major browsers have become more than 90% compatible with ES6. It has become the backbone of many companies that haven’t adopted the traditional clients like Airbnb and Google. ES6 has got them through styling their web applications.
Though appreciated as a widespread technology of the year, it is observed that ES6 has not yet emerged as a global phenomenon, analogous to rise of Google in search engines. Many firms still haven’t upgraded to ES6 due to their inability of getting over their legacy software. Perhaps, these companies use transpilers to restore the code of their older versions of JavaScript.
Backend as a Service :
With the advent of API’s, human workload in developing applications has reduced considerably. Developers are permitted to use Backend Services (Baas) to eliminate redundant code in their applications. In such as scenario API users are free to concentrate more on their specialized services and interaction between these services and the frontend. It was also announced this year that a BaaS named Parse is shutting down in January 2017 and current users create their own Parse servers.
Functional Programming is the new building block :
Internet of Things is currently the basis for any applications. Connectivity among various devices has become a mandatory feature in 90% of the products launched. With this soaring improvement, traditional object-oriented programming languages are struggling to get through many cons. Functional programming languages like Haskell, Clojure, Scala, etc. have become a more developer-friendly alternative. It facilitates concurrency. In other words it enables working simultaneously on the same project from different locations. This speciality of Functional programming languages is often termed as ’Stateless model’.
Image quality at a different level :
With the ever improving service quality for developers, 2016 reached new heights wherein developers had a fun ride with many services, notably, Docker and Packer. The services allow deployment of replicated machine images onto various platforms through containers and thus making the process an automated one. The similar services that gained popularity include Vagrant, Puppet, Chef and Ansible. These services deem to maintain their pace in being involved in every developer’s arena.
Material Design Technology :
The visual design has had arguable changes in the year 2016 with Google incorporating many design elements into their portfolio whereas other platforms intended in using platform specific visual design, thus leading us to an expectant future. There seems to be more suspicion upon the future of this state with the visual front on the hands of mind-blowing non visual interfaces.