Going by the early reactions and rave reviews, Dennis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049 is gaining an unstoppable momentum, towards the Oscars race! Yes. Even before its official release this week, on October 4th, the sci-fi, futuristic sequel to 1982’s Ridley Scott directorial Blade Runner, is being touted as a solid contender for next year’s Academy Awards. And there are multiple reasons for that.
Firstly, the film, as praised by many early individuals (including critics and others), is a crafted world of future-a more deep one at that. The cinematography, especially has been really appreciated by many, which has been helmed by Roger Deakins.
Then there is an entire cast led by the amazing Ryan Gosling (La-La Land) and Harrison Ford (Star Wars: Force Awakens), also being in his own style.
And then, the direction is itself done by none other than Arrival’s Dennis Villeneuve. That film from last year, was also an Oscar nominated sci-fi flick. The music score for Blade Runner 2049, is composed by Benjamin Wallfisch and The Dark Knight trilogy’s genius, Hans Zimmer-so the score becomes even more impactful.

Stay tuned for the Blade Runner 2049 review, when the film hits the theatres later this week.
The upcoming sequel is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (again) and produced by Alcan Entertainment and Columbia Pictures.