Sangili Bungili Kadhava Thorae starring Jeeva and Sri Divya will have dose of comedy and horror together. A bunch of comedy actors are going to be a part of the movie so there is going to be a laughter riot. The comedy actors include Soori, Kovai Sarala, Motta Rajendran along with many other.
Director Ike said in a recent interview, “I wanted to give Soori a makeover. So, we gave him an expensive, specially imported wig, which became a hit among the cast and crew. Even though it was somewhat tedious for him, Soori wore the wig throughout the shoot.”
Motta Rajendran will have a interesting role in this movie “Initially, I had a different role in mind for him, but later I swapped a few characters and the actors to make the script livelier.”
Ike had written Thambi Ramaiah’s character keeping his uncle, Radha Ravi, in mind. “His role has comedy but also bits of villainy. He had to carefully balance both these elements, but he pulled it off with ease,” says Ike. The director feels that Kovai Sarala is the right replacement for the late Aachi Manorama. “She has an amazing personality. She always had a lot of energy on the sets and has done some amazing work here,” he says. There is also Senthikumari, who, Ike says, plays a lady from down south with an irritating voice. The other comic characters include Ilavarasu, Mayilsamy and Devadarshini.

So many comedy actors being part of this movie, it was hard for getting dates of all of them together. He spent more then 6 months just to get their dates. “I’ve learnt from Priyadarshan sir that comedy is part of the story and shouldn’t look forced. I made sure that the comic scenes are organic in the movie,” He added.