Whenever I come to know about the world’s most fascinating competition i.e. Nat Geo Photography Contest my level of excitement is beyond the limits.
Well, you must be wondering what so special about this, then let me tell you, this contest brings the talent and ideas from around the world that you can’t even imagine. The way photographer took their vision forward is something marvelous in their own way.
Without, much ado have a look at the winning pictures of Nat Geo 2017’s photo content on the category Wildlife:
#1st Place and Grand Prize: Face To Face In A River In Borneo by Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan
While looking for wild orang-utans in Tanjung putting the national park, Indonesia, we witnessed this amazing sight of this huge male crossing a river despite the fact there were crocodiles in the river. Rapid palm oil farming has depleted their habitat and when pushed to the edge these intelligent creatures have learned to adapt to the changing landscape, This is proof considering orang-utans hate water and never venture into a river. I got into the 5 feet deep river to get this perspective.
#2nd Place: Mother’s love by Alejandro Prieto
‘Mother’s love’ by Alejandro Prieto, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year. 2nd place, Wildlife. An adult Caribbean pink flamingo feeds a chick in Yucatán, Mexico. Both parents alternate feeding chicks, at first with a liquid baby food called crop milk, and then with regurgitated food.
#3rd Place: White Fighters by Bence Mate
In winter when all waters freeze, water birds gather around the holes on the lake. Some of them would catch fish, while the rest are determined to steal fish from the others or even catch water birds. White-tailed Eagles are such birds, always looking for an opportunity to steal, and in the meantime, they manage to confront and fight for everyone, even their conspecifics.
#Honorable Mention: Macaque Maintenance by Lance McMillan
A macaque being groomed at the Jigokudani snow monkey park in Japan. The Jigokudani snow monkey park has become a major tourist hotspot, attracting visitors from all over the world hoping to get a glimpse of these amazing creatures huddled together in hot springs. But because of the warmer than usual weather during this time, the macaques were frequently found lazing about on some nearby rocks instead of spending much of their time keeping warm in hot springs.
#People’s Choice: Great Gray Owl by Harry Collins
A great gray owl hunting rodents in a field in New Hampshire, US. This bird was a rare visitor to this area and was worth the 7 1/2 hour drive to see it. The owl was not baited or called and this photo is during a natural hunt. Baiting has become a hot topic recently and it is very unfortunate that many people do it for the sake of a photo. With these owls in particular if you are patient enough you will see them hunt. They are not shy nor very intimidated by people.
Well, do you guys have any superlative word for these captures? Share in the comment below.