The festive season is here guys and girls and I know you are planning to look gorgeous already. Though, festivals are equally meant for all but these are biased towards girls, as the girls know the actual essence to enjoy them. Girls shop alot, they prepare alot, they choose from bundles to be looked killing in the attire of Festival.
As the fiesta of lights, Diwali is just few days away from knocking the door, so the markets are already filled with girls. Girls love to wear ethnic in these days of festives and we are going to help them with the latest trend of combination of colors especially for the Day of Diwali. Trust us for the suggestions and experiment with color to enjoy the Diwali.
Also, endeavor only those combination that suits your personality. Never go for the style that you see onscreen or see any actress wearing. Choose wisely to rock the show.
So, Why Not Try Out These Stylish Color Combination This Diwali:
1. Pick different shades of blue together

2. Light Olive with Red violet

3. Plane midnight blue over printed midnight blue

4. Navy blue with bright yellow

5.Orange plane top with multi-color skirt

6. Pine green with currant red

7. Bumblebee with golden

8. Black with dotted dark grey

9. Black with golden

10. White with blue