Cinnamomum aka Dalchini has aromatic yellowish-brown bark of tropical Asian lauraceous tree, used for flavoring foods and drinks. India is world widely recognized as for multiple spices. In the Indian Ayurveda civilized system spices and herbs have an enormous value. They are not just used to put in flavor in serving food but also offer terrific curative benefits. Cinnamomum offers some amazing health benefits with fastener dietary.

The spice offers some great anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-oxidant benefits. It’s no wonder that regular consumption of cinnamon can help tame a lot of health issues, especially in Indians.

Basically, Cinnamon is categorized into 2 types:
1. Ceylon Cinnamon or ‘true’ cinnamon.
2. Cassia cinnamon or regular cinnamon.

Well, here read the hidden health benefits of cinnamon:

1) Powerful Blood Sugar Regulator:

Yes, cinnamon can be used to control the sugar level or it is a blood sugar regulator. Intake it with a carb meal, checks the glucose molecule when it enters the blood stream. However, cinnamon restricts the breakdown of carbohydrate and prevents sudden insulin spikes.

2) Prevents Insulin Resistance And Supports Insulin Sensitivity:

Cinnamon restricts the breakdown of carbohydrate and prevents sudden insulin spikes. So, take it smartly with your meals that will help prevent insulin resistance.

3) Cinnamon has Anti-Oxidants properties:

Cinnamon is full of antioxidants properties, mainly polyphenols. While it also strengthens immunity.

NOTE: Too much consumption of cinnamon can be damaging as it contains a compound called coumarin. So, only take 5g per day, not more than that.

So are you ready to use this wonderful spice in your daily meal?

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