The Uncharted game series has been a successful franchise among its avid gamers and fans alike. Especially, its protagonist and center character, Nathan Drake who’s sometimes known as Nate also, is a hugely popular icon-just like Lara Croft. He is a treasure hunter and fortune seeker who gets on endless adventures.

The gaming series has spanned nearly a decade with four installments, namely Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (2007), Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009), Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (2011) and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (2016). An expansion in the form of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, was also released in August 2017, where the protagonist of the game was a female, Chloe Frazer.

In GameArts today, I have compiled the top 10, best rendered impressions of Nathan Drake from the blockbuster gaming series.

A stylish looking Nathan Drake
Nathan looking through his eyes, far away
Sharing a light moment, Nathan Drake, in Uncharted 4
Nathan Drake having a drink, in Uncharted 4
Nathan Drake’s sketch art, from Uncharted 4: A thief’s end
Nathan Drake’s art from Uncharted 2
A still of Nate from Uncharted 4
Nathan holding fire torch
A still of Nathan, from the series
Drake in Uncharted game


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