Is the Period Blood Blue? This is what we have been seen for years on the Television in the advertisements. Till date, ads of sanitary pads shows unrealistic blue blood and that gives confusion in the minds of many people about the color of Period Blood.
But it’s not blue as obvious. The reality is different from what we see. It’s different from the clean-looking blue water they pour on pristine sanitary napkins in the advertisements.
It’s actually red blood, a mess of red splodges and patches of dark brown comes with freaking pain every month to every woman. The useless eccentric not merely hampers the hygiene of women has also fed wrong information to generation for years.

However, Bodyform has taken a revolutionary step towards changing the existing scenario. The latest ad of Bodyform entitled ‘Blood Normal’ is showing not the fake blood but something looks like real period blood.
At last, the ad shows a slogan: “Periods are normal. Showing them should be too.”
Here have a look at the video of advertisement that is showing ‘Realistic Blood Of Period’