“Tamasha banaake rakha hua hai life ka!”
I sat on theater to watch ‘Imtiaz Ali’ directed movie and I can’t explain how happy I felt. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone starring film made us all ‘sachai se rubaru’. Imtiaz Ali with this amazing piece of art proved that he is a wonderful director. Every film has a story to tell so thus ‘Tamasha’ had but it has taught us life lessons that we will remember all our lives.
Tara and Ved gave us some serious ‘Life Goals’ and as Tamasha is turning 2 on today i.e 27 November below is the list of life lessons ‘Tamasha’ taught me~
#1. Travel alone to know yourself better~

#2. Always follow your passion~

#3. You can only change the end of your story~
#4. Don’t kill the child within you~

#5. You can not run away from yourself~
#6. Don’t give up on someone you Love~
#7. Heart and Mind function differently but want the same thing~
#8. Every Human has something hidden inside them~
#9. Always listen your partner~

Life is Tamasha indeed!!!