Directors: Joe Russo & Anthony Russo
Running Time: 2h 36m
Cast: Josh Brolin, Robert Downey Jr., Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Danai Gurira, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Chadwick Boseman, Bradley Cooper
Movie Score: 100%
*[0-50%-red (poor); 50-70%-yellow (average to good, better and promising); 70-90%-green (very good to great); 90-100%-blue (outstanding to perfect and a masterpiece)]
This might be too late to say but, it’s never too late, especially when you are talking about something like this. Marvel Studios’s most ambitious and anticipated project in 10 years, Avengers: Infinity War has already been released almost a month ago, but the freshness is still constant like it was just yesterday.
So, here I am, to add my opinions too, to the list of already populated rave reviews about this juggernaut of a film-well, it’s more than that, and you have to believe me.
When the film was first announced in 2014 (I am certain I am not wrong), everyone was like, “finally, something true to arrive”. I was also feeling, and hoping for the same along the millions out there. And what eventually arrived last month, was beyond dope!
I may do injustice here with some of you MCU lovers (or as it may seem to be), but I am sure that many of you will agree with me, to call this 19th entry, the best one so far-even somewhat higher than Black Panther? Yes. My answer is undoubtedly a ‘big hands down’ to the Russo Brothers and the entire MCU team. They keep doing it, flick after flick!
This film shows what it means to wait for so long, for something so close to your heart and for which you might have your own expectations-which is inevitably obvious. But it was so soothing to see how this movie shatters all the expectations and leaves everyone in the awe of it!
I won’t be telling you the synopsis as you just know that. (I am assuming you don’t have a preference here).
To start with, there’s a lot which I may not be able to express but will definitely try.
The directors were right when they told, last year, that the first 5-7 minutes will be enough to define the greatness of this movie to the audiences, and those words really came out 200% true.
The filmmakers knew what exactly they were doing on this film, and boy, what a result, it came out.
All the characters that the fans and cinemagoers have loved watching in this franchise throughout these 10 years are so nicely and brilliantly shown in this flick, by the director duo of Russo brothers, that it doesn’t feels like an altogether different film at all. Because the characters are what mattered the most in this epic. Whether it be our very own Tony Stark/Iron Man, played again fantastically by Robert Downey Jr., or Thor, who became everyone’s favourite after Ragnarok, last year. And Chris Hemsworth creates a magic here, totally playing the God of Thunder, yet another time. And the God of mischief, Loki dies, but before he does, he finally makes good with his step brother-that was heart wrenching to see, how Thanos just squeezes out the life out of him.

Then there is the sorcerer supreme, Doctor Strange who has been portrayed exceptionally by Benedict Cumberbatch. While all the Guardians of the Galaxy are impressive (no doubt, seriously), the youngest Avenger now, Peter Parker/Spider-Man is also amazing-Tom Holland just leaves an unforgettable impression towards the climax.

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America does his thing, while Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha/Black Widow shows her combat skills yet again, swiftly. Mark Ruffalo, playing Bruce Banner/Hulk, was at his best, in his comic timings, for the ‘rare’ first time! I just loved him in his scenes-though there may be biased reactions.
But he gets so horrified at the beginning of the story, that the Hulk just never comes out of him again! Thanos beats him to ‘almost death’, in an impactful hand-to-hand combat scene.
Gamora, played by Zoe Saldana became many people’s favourite character in this flick, while Karen Gillan’s Nebula was also in her own zone. And yes, you can’t forget Rocket, which Bradley Cooper voiced here again-the one scene of him with Thor is, I guess one of those moments where tears just come down, naturally. And the teenage Groot also shines as he successfully helps Thor to build his new weapon, Stormbreaker, for killing Thanos.
This movie is ‘nth times compelling’ than the first Avengers (2012). And there are valid reasons for that. Though, there may be arguments on this part, which are happily invited.
This film takes you on an unexplored realm, hitherto unseen and unheard of, as it was foreseen that stakes have now grown larger.
Whether it’s any scene-you just think of it and it gets stuck on you-or the action sequences, all was at glory here.
It’s a whole standalone film in most of the sense, because it not only shows Marvel Studios’s evergreen methods of fun and comedy-and by the way, it hurts your stomach when it does-but there are more emotional colors too, to this superhero masterpiece.
Notably, it’s the most darkest, most violent and poignant MCU film ever. Because the causes and effects just make you still, at one place, wondering what it all meant-was it for the good or for the bad, or balanced perfectly?
Though, you know that each superhero who died in this film, will be coming after a while for their own solo movie parts, but the unexpectedness of Infinity War just leaves you saddened with a hollowness, when many superheroes and living ones lose their existence, as a whole! Black Panther goes, Spider-Man goes, Star Lord goes, Vision dies, Wanda dies… the count goes on.

You will be wondering by now that I mentioned nearly every character, but one-the Mad Titan himself!
If it weren’t for Josh Brolin and the astounding VFX team, behind this photorealistic CGI character, we wouldn’t have been fortunate enough to watch the real Thanos come out; the best MCU villain in the history!
Because Thanos with his first ever full appearance in Infinity War, has done something which will remain in the memory of all comic book fans and movie lovers-an effortless, great and finest role, which Josh Brolin did perfectly and justified his selection as the purple, 12 foot Titan being, who is also the most powerful one in the entire universe.
But is he really a villain?
Thanos is the hero of this story because it’s his story indeed! The way he collects all the infinity stones and how, he, with his reasoning and thoughts, justifies his decision to wipe out half of the universe to create a balance on the whole, so that new generations won’t run out of the resources which are limited on every planet, is empathizing and gains a sympathy from the viewer too.
You will hate him, but that’s fine. That means you surely understand him, even though if its being rude to his way of doing what he does and ultimately achieves.
As in one flashback scene with small Gamora, he tells her to bring balance in herself, “perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”
But kudos to the entire VFX team too, for bringing that Thanos which every Marvel comic lover would have hoped for. He looks so real, expressive and mindboggling that every scene of him keeps your eyes onto him only-he is so fine in himself.
And in my own opinion, DC’s Joker which was memorably played by Heath Ledger, has now got the best rival from Marvel, and it’s Thanos, all the way.

He teaches you things, and most of them may be morally bad, but they make sense. Even he admires and acknowledges his enemies too!
In fact he is so good, that I just literally watched him on loop, his each line and how he delivers them with such subtlety (Josh Brolin is terrific and knew how he had to do Thanos). And yes, it also involves the snapping of the fingers with Infinity Gauntlet. Awesome!
All these things about this film makes it the greatest entry in the franchise.
You can’t talk more of it because then it becomes very difficult to refrain from spreading more spoilers.
Watch it before you miss it.
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Avengers: Infinity War is playing beyond successfully in theaters near you.