Saturday are always unique and special. For somebody who has plans to watch movies, or go on a long drive, this Saturday, can have a change in the plans. Looking the sky, right form the terrace, the sky-watchers will enjoy, not one but three beautiful celestial visits. Starting form the lunar eclipse to the comet’s closest fly-by adore the sky this February weekend.

credits: space news
The most awaited Penumbral lunar eclipse, will be on its way during the dusk of Friday. Though not spectacular, it is the first one for 2017. This phenomenon occurs when the moon moves through the outer part of the Earth’s shadow. The outer shadow of the Earth blocks a part, but not all, of the Sun’s rays from reaching the moon. This makes it appear slightly darker than usual. The exact moment to watch it is 7:43 p.m. ET. The residents of Europe, Africa, a large part of western Asia and North and South America, will be lucky enough to watch the “penumbral lunar eclipse”.
Well, one more with the moon. As during every lunar eclipse, the moon will be full on Friday night. This February, it is nicknamed as ‘snow’ moon. The North Americans conferred this title, attributing to the fact that the month of February witnesses a severe snow fall and cold.

The very long resident of the sky, Comet 45P, will make its closest approach to Earth. It will be just 0.08 Astronomical Units away from Earth. It will turn-up in the morning sky. Around 3 a.m. on Saturday morning, this will make its fly-by. Comet 45P will be visible in the constellation Hercules. This comet will look a bright blue-green head with a comet tail. missing it this time would mean waiting till 2022.
This Feb. 11, will prove to be a great treat to astronomers, sky-watchers, and star-gazers.