Would you like to put some money toward a good cause, and get an adorable pet for your World of Warcraft collection? Blizzard have made it possible.

Big Blue typically release a charity pet each year at BlizzCon, but in light of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, plus flooding in South Asia and a number of other crises, they say they’ve decided not to wait.

Their partners are the American Red Cross and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) disaster relief funds, to whom 100% of your pet adoption fee will go.

That fee is £9, or $10, and will immediately add a charming big-eared fennec named Shadow to your game. Lost on Argus and overtaken by darkness, Blizzard say “this playful fox can shrug off the void just by being by your side.” They’re being literal; its coat changes colour, from dark to light.

Once activated, Shadow will be applied to all present and future characters on your Blizzard account, and can be used in pet battles.


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