Bread and potatoes are most commonly eaten food all over the country. Scientists in UK have revealed that overcooking these can result in health issues and even cause cancer.

Generally, people are always advised not to overcook the vegetables or any other items. They also ensure that their food stays below the saturation point indicating cooked food. It is a well-known fact that overcooking can destroy many nutrients that are naturally present. In a similar scenario, UK scientists have revealed that overcooking starch-based foods release a cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide. This chemical is said to be produced while cooking foods containing starch at very high temperatures.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has reported that people of London are consuming too much of acrylamide. This chemical has been found to cause cancer in animals. Though it cannot inflict similar conditions in human beings, there is a chance for it to happen.

FSA director of policy Steve Wearne said: “You can’t point to individual people and say that person has cancer because of the amount of acrylamide in their diet but because the mechanisms by which it does have this effect in animals are similar to the mechanisms you would expect to occur in humans it’s not something we can ignore.”

The report also said, occasional consumption of overcooked foods is acceptable and is not bound to bring in any big change in the individual. But for those have been following it as a regular diet, this should be a wake-up call. Such individuals should make changes in their regular diets in order to protect themselves from fatal health effects.

The warning concerns all foods rich in starch including varieties of potatoes. It also includes other edibles like vegetables and cereals.


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