Do you wanna see or meet Arjun Vagale, DJ Mo City, Rohan Kale, MadStarBase, Abhi Meer, Dualist Inquiry, Rana Ghose, Lost Stories, Inga Mauer and so many? Then, here is the event that will turn your dream into reality. And, Yes, India will be the first ever country to host it.
Are you thinking what I am talking about? Then here read the details:
Budweiser Experiences introduces BUDx three days of workshops, talks, master classes and live DJ performances co curated by Boiler Room in New Delhi from 6 December to 8 December. And it would be like delight for all the music lovers.

AB InBev India Marketing Director about launching BUDx in India, said, “We are very proud that India is debuting the launch of this flagship global property. We are extremely excited to bring this first of its kind electronic music lab to India and the avenues that this will open up for various stakeholders of the music industry from artists to fans. Culture shaping is at the core of all our initiatives and with BUDx Boiler Room we aim to push the boundaries further by introducing a platform that will redefine electronic music culture in the country. India will be the first ever market globally to experience BUDx and we look forward to curating the best immersive music experience for the growing legions of Indian electronic music fans.”

Speaking with Boiler Room head of music Dean Bryce about BUDx, he added “At Boiler Room, we always want to delve deeper into the how, what, why of the scenes that we love. BUDx presents a great, new opportunity for us to get more involved on the ground to discuss and deliberate on music culture across the world, starting with New Delhi in December 2017.”

“From panel discussions to master classes, one of collaborations and of course, great music, we envision BUDx to grow into an online archive that will be a resource for fans as well as for the scenes that we champion,” adds Dean Bryce.
Watch the video to blow your mind about this music gaga:
Have A Happy Sharing!