Director: Taika Waititi
Running Time: 2h 10m
Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Tessa Thompson, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch
Movie Score: 100%
*[0-50%-red (poor); 50-70%-yellow (average to good, better and promising); 70-90%-green (very good to great); 90-100%-blue (outstanding to perfect and a masterpiece)]
It seems this year has decided to not let us down with any superhero flick coming out! Hell, yes! This is what I had wished for, for a long-long time. And that time is finally here, and it’s a ‘Marvel’ that this time it’s that superhero which we have always admired but failed to love, each time, unless he showed his true character. And this is what he is-Thor, the God of wit, laughs, jokes and yes, brotherhood (not to forget, Thunder).
Taika Waititi has done something, truly-truly mesmerizing, putting a missing element, absent from all Marvel films so far-for a decade! And that element is, Thor: Ragnarok! This is what you were waiting for, all this long-a blitzkrieg!
Firstly, the synopsis: Games have changed and now there’s a new super-villainous entity that’s a threat to Asgard, Thor’s home, and he needs to gather the power and a team to fight back his most powerful enemy yet, while also searching for his father, Odin!
Trust me guys, I can just call it the ‘flawless Marvel entry’ in the decade, so far-seriously, I am not joking.
The introduction of Taika Waititi to the ‘big league’ by Marvel Studios, has resulted in a never ending run of unabashed joy, of a character, and his fellow characters, in a superhero movie, made in a manner, just like the comics, we read in our childhood days! Ragnarok gives us our own (to-be-loved) Thor, the one who always had to appear, the way he was, but never got a chance, until now, courtesy Mr. Waititi.
As hilarious as it gets, this particular movie sets its own standards of how intensity can be shown in an ‘entertainingly funny manner’.
And you shouldn’t get depressed because, I won’t spoil anything for you. For what I say about the film, you will see that, only when you will witness in the theatres! So, just chill and keep reading.

The first thing for which it can be called the best Thor flick ever, is that it’s got the best super-villain ever, in not only this franchise, but also in the Marvel history-that too, a female one! Yes, I am talking about Cate Blanchett’s (Two-time Oscar winner) charismatic Hela-the Goddess of Death, as she claims herself to be. And she rightly does that throughout the movie and the only thing you can think of, looking at her, is rage, greed, evil and what not!
Next one is the star himself, Chris Hemsworth as the evergreen Thor, the son of Odin-in one of his finest roles yet. He is truly and utterly convincing as the complicated, yet determined, funny and witty, yet brave and courageous warrior, who won’t let Hela breathe easily, taking control of his home, Asgard. Hemsworth has done something which probably Robert Downey Jr. hasn’t yet tried as Iron Man, in any of the Marvel films so far. It’s so much fun to watch him whenever on-screen, and you just let him do his antics and speak his best lines-and keep watching!

In one line, Thor steals the show here, among many other outstanding performances, by each and every character-and by that, I mean, everyone!
And he is accompanied on a retro-styled planet, by his step-brother, Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Hiddleston again proves why he is considered the best villain in the MCU and in Ragnarok too, he kills it, but in a lighter, comical and brotherhood manner. His scenes with Thor are just too emotional sometimes, and on the next moment, there is a tussle of brothers going on!

Then there is a fantabulous supporting cast led by Jeff Goldblum’s magnificently depicted Grandmaster, who runs Gladiatorial fights, in the planet of Sakaar! Apart from doing that, he is one hell of a scene-stealing person-you take any scene, and he will blow you away, with voice modulation or when firing-out his jokes and entertaining one-liners! Not being much behind him, is Tessa Thomson’s Valkyrie who, in her own style, leaves her mark.
And don’t you forget the Hulk aka Bruce Banner, aka Mark Ruffalo-his sense of humour will not let your face settle down-it’s guaranteed. Idris Elba also plays his Heimdall part as convincingly as ever, while Anthony Hopkins’s short yet sweet cameo as the father (Odin), with Thor is also catchy.

There’s one more character here but I will discuss his brilliance in a span of few more words.
This threequel not only gives some of the best comical performances in a movie, but also lets you enjoy a string of best retro songs! And the iconic Thor Ragnarok theme track playing during the climax, is the best thing. Mark Mothersbaugh gives a fresh, action-packed and delightful score, in a film which feels as fantastic as it can be, on every aspect, synchronizing with the action sequences (yes, they are CGI, mostly, but well executed-not feeling overly).
And now, the last ‘laughing’ performer of this ‘blitzkrieg’ is none other than the director himself, Mr. Waititi. Interestingly, he has delivered one of the best, fun-filled and hilarious roles as Korg, the rocky monster-looking being. He never leaves a single space of void without a joke-and it will hurt your stomach!
And the overall star of Ragnarok is again, the director himself. How he did it and how Marvel Studios allowed him to do what he did, has raised the bars-how to make a superhero movie, like Ragnarok! Despite being the third part in ‘Lord’ of Thunder’s series, it stands on its own and will be a benchmark for every future flicks-of course, Marvel’s. Taika Waititi is best known for his funny direction and he instills the same spirit here too, resulting in a historic blockbuster, for years to come.
I watched it today, on the very first day itself and it didn’t make me feel regret about not waiting for some time to observe the reactions. You will watch it multiple times, and it will still leave you awe-struck and astounding. This weekend, Go Ragnarok!