Childhood!!! That’s the most happening thing that happened in our Life. As a kid we always wanted to become Adult as soon as possible but apparently as we all are in our 20s we miss those days badly.
From playing to having no tension of life we tend to crave for everything. Well, we have done few things back then which we wish could change and for that we have made a list of things which we would like to tell to our younger self:
#1. Don’t grow up it’s a Trap

#2. ‘No’ means No

#3. Never get afraid of making Wrong decisions

#4. Time heals Everything

#5. Play because when you get Job there is no time left for it

#6. Ask about Everything you want to know

#7. Don’t just be a face in crowd, Be unique

#8. Be yourself, Love yourself

#9. Read whatever you like

#10. Laugh out loud and live the moments

#12. Love what you mom cooks, after awhile you will crave for it

#13. Don’t feel shame in crying

#14. If you love someone then confess

#15. Life is not at all easy after 12th

#16. It’s good to ignore few things

Dont get sad, What you need to do is to focus on reshaping your FUTURE!!!