Those who eat pasta regularly could have better diet quality, says a new study.

The findings of the study show that people who consume pasta have a higher intake of vitamins and minerals. They can also manage blood sugar levels better than those who do not eat pasta.

Pasta is a cholesterol-free food with low-sodium levels and has a low glycemic index. Foods with low glycemic index help to maintain regular blood sugar levels.

The research conducted by the Nutritional Strategies Inc. analyzed associations between consuming pasta, shortfall nutrient intake, and diet quality in comparison to adults in the US who do not consume pasta.

Researchers examined the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2012, on US adults aged 19 and above. They measured diet quality using the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Healthy Eating Index 2010. Nutrient intakes were compared using the 2015 Dietary guidelines.

Pasta consumption was defined as all dry domestic and imported pasta/noodle varieties made with only wheat and no egg.

Results associate pasta consumption with positive dietary patterns, including a higher diet quality. Diets of people who eat pasta show greater amounts of nutrient intake including folate, iron, magnesium and dietary fiber. These shortfall nutrients are lacking in most people’s diets.

Researchers also report lower intakes of saturated fat and added sugar along with greater vitamin and mineral intake, among those who eat pasta.

“The new 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines encourage the consumption of all types of grains for the many nutrients they provide. Pasta can be an effective building block for good nutrition, as it serves as a perfect delivery system for fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, and legumes,” said Diane Welland, Nutrition Communications Manager, National Pasta Association.

“This analysis underscores the nutritional importance of grains, such as pasta, as consistent with a healthy diet. It shows that pasta eaters have better quality diets than those who don’t eat pasta,” added Welland.

The research was presented at The Obesity Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans.


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