Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, made us accept the fact that Christian Bale would never be the Batman in the coming years, as Ben Affleck, came in style in that black bat-car and somewhat stunned us (if not many, for sure). And yes, change is always constant, for things to be in balance; but in case of cinema, sometimes it’s hard as a fan to digest something unwillingly-especially in case of comic-book adaptations on the big screen.
When a story is told in a manner that connects with the viewer, then it becomes necessary to harness it for progressive positive responses just like in the case of ‘The Dark Knight Trilogy’. How Christopher Nolan made Batman look like an almost existing character among us that we really wanted to have someone like him, to be our saviour, was a perfect example of the real compelling art of the film-making. That’s when we struck a chord with Christian Bale-but, Christian Bale as the Batman, not just an actor. When the announcement was made some three years ago, of Ben Affleck, to be the new face for the ‘Dark Knight’, a flood of negative feedbacks spread all over the internet. Yet, being the ‘Bat-fans’, they just accepted it and began waiting for the ultimate arrival of the new Batman, on the big screen. The image of the caped crusader that we all had formed during Chris Nolan’s era, was something different- but, after ‘Dawn of Justice’, it changed completely.

Now, that Ben Affleck has taken over from Christian Bale to keep the legacy alive of the avid fans of this on-screen DC superhero, it’s critical to have a normal consensus of him, actually succeeding in doing that. Still, it’s been just the very first year for him as the Batman and a lot more is expected in 2017, with the Justice League and his very own solo movie, The Batman, which is predicted to be not arriving anywhere before 2018, as of now.
At a media interaction a few days ago when he was asked about the present scenario of ‘the Batman’, he said, “I’m still working on the script. I’m not going to write and direct anything that I don’t think is good enough to be made. I’m definitely going to make sure I have something that is special-there’s not enough money in the world to make a mediocre version of Batman worth it.”
And that’s truly said, as it’s obvious that after the Dawn of Justice, no one would expect a less-than awesome Batman reboot flick, so that there won’t be much regrets to have of seeing him, in that costume again. Talking about the production details, it’s known to us that he is working on the script alongside DC Films president Geoff Johns, apart from being the director too. The Batman, is said to feature actor Joe Manganiello, as the Deathstroke-the antagonist and one of the villains of Batman in DC comics universe. While, there are rumors of some other DC villains also being a part of this ‘Bat-Fleck’, like Catwoman, but not much has been disclosed yet. The shooting is expected to start in the early spring of 2017.