After last year, yet another round of powerful earthquakes hit parts of Central Italy, making the residents nervous. These towns have been under thick snow since days. The earthquakes further added to the gloomy state of the deserted towns. The town of Montereale first shook at around 10:25 in the morning, and the magnitude of the tremor was 5.3, as per the US Geological Survey. There was a second tremor that hit Montereale, with a magnitude of 5.7, about 50 minutes after the first one. The third one was felt after a gap of 10 minutes, and was of 5.3 magnitude. The fourth tremor was felt many hours after at the same region.
Paolo Gentiloni informed that it seemed there were no fatal injuries, but, nevertheless, it is a sad and painful day for the county. After the quakes, there were more than a hundred aftershocks that were recorded by the seismologists. These quakes have made life more difficult in those towns, as these places were already covered with heavy snow and were surviving without electricity. It has been a difficult phase for the residents of these regions and the government has promised them help at the earliest.
The tremors of the earthquakes have been experienced as far as Rome and the epicenters were in L’Aquila area. Many areas have been kept on alert due the tremors and the areas that directly been hit by the quakes are suffering the most.