For the past few years, global warming has been a burning issue all around the world. With umpteen scientists conducting series of experiments over this matter, it was discovered that the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica was the root cause for all these drastic climatic changes.
While all geologists and nature analysts brought the issue of climate change in spotlight, little did we all care about the wide range of bird species. Recent ornithology studies have put forth shocking revelations. The difficulties faced by birds and their struggle to withstand global warming are heartbreaking to learn about.
Nearly 5% of the total bird population constitutes migratory bird species. In simple terms, these migratory birds are nomadic in nature. They fly from one place to another with changing seasons. They posses their own travel agenda and visit every place for a specified reason. This is the reason behind all countries hosting bird sanctuaries in several locations. Bird lovers all these years wait for the appropriate seasons to welcome the migratory birds to their cities.
The travelling pattern of the birds is built by selectively choosing locations that would satisfy the environmental needs for they undergo constant physical changes. Migratory birds have specific destinations and optimal environmental conditions that would back up the breeding process.
With the increasing threats posed by global warming, migratory birds are at high risks in adapting to the unlikely weather conditions. Nature lovers have observed that these birds have begun to travel ahead of their usual start to compete with the uncertain weather. Adding, travelling ahead or later in time doesn’t guarantee them suitable weather; their survival rates are in question.
Though birds seem to follow Charles Darwin’s famous theory, ‘Survival of the Fittest’, Global warming has lead to the increase in number of endangered species. The intensity of this issue is unimaginably high and it is a wakeup call for all countries’ governments to raise awareness and make the world a better place to live for all species.