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Tag: Marvel Studios

Epic News: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR will now release earlier than expected!!!

A big and epic news for all you Marvel and Avengers: Infinity War fans! Marvel has just made an official new announcement about the movie which will definitely put a smile...

Marvel releases new show, Cloak & Dagger’s sneak peek trailer!

Marvel Comics are ruling the world at the moment and the success of the MCU and TV shows is an unmatched truth! They are coming with new surprises so frequently that...

Here’s a ‘new’ synopsis for Avengers: Infinity War!

The level of anticipation is going to be upped, for all the Marvel fans! Why? Because some important information has just been dropped for Avengers: Infinity War. And what’s been revealed,...

Hold Your Breath, Guys. AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Trailer is here!!! Watch Now

This is it…the epic moment! Guys, it’s here and it’s just ‘Marvel-ous’! The first Official Trailer for Avengers: Infinity War is out now and its worth the long-long wait-seriously. For this...

Marvel Fans, Assemble! Massive ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer Announcement is Here

One of the biggest and most successful franchises in the history of Hollywood, Marvel Studios' Marvel Cinematic Universe has been enthralling audiences world over for well over a decade now. And,...

Thor Ragnarok Day 4: Marvel’s action-comedy goes beyond Rs.30 crore in India!

Everyone is going Ragnarok at the moment-its in the air! The third part in the Thor series has now made Indian audiences its big fans too! And the proof of that...

People will hate me after Avengers: Infinity War: Josh Brolin

Next year’s biggest release Avengers: Infinity War is definitely on #1 in the must-see list of every Marvel, as well as, any superhero movie fan. And building towards its great release...

So, When Is The ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer Coming Out?

Being claimed to be the mother of all superhero films till date, the first installment of Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled for a worldwide release on May 4, 2018. With production wrapped...

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer leaked!

All the Marvel fans out there, the moment that you all were waiting for, is here! But, it’s a bit unofficial-yes, the trailer footage for Avengers: Infinity War has been leaked...

Spider-Man: Homecoming-The armored Spider costume was designed for Avengers: Infinity War!

We all have watched Spider-Man: Homecoming and just loved it’s every bit. And if all of you have watched it carefully and I am sure that you have, then that Iron-Spider...