“Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” ~Ray Bradbury
Travel far enough, you meet yourself and yes the journey on the train is the best way to meet yourself. Well, we have lost the joy of traveling by train in this hustle-bustle life.
But, happily, the lost joy of traveling by train is making a comeback. Passengers are rediscovering the delight of watching varying landscapes from the tracks and having parts of a nation that they would’ve unless craved.
Today, I have gathered a list of stunning train routes around the world that you should experience:
1. The Glacier Express, Switzerland:

It is recognized as Europe’s slowest train though you will see scenic meadows, mountains, and storybook villages.
2. Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian, Russia

Travel in luxury, a mysterious and rarely visited landscape of Russia.
3. California Zephyr, USA

2,438-mile, 52-hour trip brings passengers from Chicago to San Francisco is worth in every way. You will see the real beauty of nature.
4. The Royal Scotsman, Scotland

Have an ultimate Scottish life, traveling from Edinburgh and around the Scottish Highlands.
5. Maharajas Express, India

Journeys between Delhi and Mumbai, carrying 88 passengers Maharajas Express of India once used as a transported for Maharajas.
6. Rocky Mountaineer, Canada

The Canadian Rockies are a difficult place to travel but traveling by this train you will get every essence of the country.
7. TranzAlpine, New Zealand

From Christchurch to Greymouth, visitors can enjoy full of natural beauty from clear windows.
8. Expo Rail, Sri Lanka

Extremely affordable and eye soothing views make it the most picturesque train rides in the world!
9. Coast Starlight, USA

Travelers will cross by Puget Sound, Mount Rainier, Oregon’s Cascade mountains, the San Francisco Bay, and Mount Shasta and continue on along California’s Pacific Coast Highway.
10. The Orient Express, Europe

Elegant, glamorous, and romantic this is the famous in the world to travel between Paris and Istanbul.