Food is one of the basic needs of human to live their life. It is said that a human being can live only 3 weeks without food. For some people, food is not only to calm their hunger but the life. They find solace in food and they travel a lot to try different cuisines and different type of food. Not only that, the advancement in technology has brought a variety that we never thought can take food world to the next level. And the time has come when people have started having such kinda meal that we even can’t think of, also they have reasons to justify their eating of such things.
Yes, guys, there are gross things that people eat around the world and you will not believe they can actually eat these things.
Let Know About The Horrifying Unbelievable Things That Human Actually Eat:
1. Tuna’s Eyeballs
People eat Tuna’s eyes passionately along with all fat surrounded the eye.
2. Habu Snake’s Venom
Unbelievable but true! In Japan, the winemakers keep Habu Snake inside the wine bottle and let their venom shed in the bottle. It is said that this wine increase man’s Libido.
3. The heart Of The Cobra
Like really! People of Vietnam eat Cobra’s snake with belief that it will improve their health condition and add more years to their life.
4. Drunk Shrimps

I don’t believe! People let live shrimps swim in the strong liquor bowl. With stronger liquor, the movement of the shrimps slow down and then people gulp them down their throats.
5. Balut
It’s the fertilised egg of chicken or duck. This unusual thing is eaten by the people of East Asia but why!
6. Squirms Octopus
Oh no! Japanese and Korean eat octopus served on their plate and while eating the legs of octopus still thrashing around in the sauce.
7. DragonFly
Chinese and Indonesian eat boiled it fried dragonfly.
8. Whole Head Of The Ship
Mediterranean and Northern Europe eat the whole head of the ship and they consider tongue and eyeballs delicacies.
9. Mongolian Boodog
You even don’t want to imagine this! Mongolian actually eat this.