In a recent media interview, director James Cameron did another ‘blunder’-he has done it before too, in 2017 regarding Wonder Woman-when he dissed the Marvel superhero films and especially the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.
Yes, he has done this again.
Last year he criticized the strong, inspirational film for all the women, DC’s Wonder Woman, when he termed the Patty Jenkins’s directorial as being sexually objectifying the Diana Princess, played by actress Gal Gadot who received worldwide critical acclaim for her role of Wonder Woman. And in return many feminists and cinema fans and film experts slashed his comments and showed their unhappiness for him.
May be, he thinks that only his films do the best thing about story, characters, plot and the whole movie experience.
Because, doing his thing yet again, now, he has dissed the Marvel and more specifically, the Avengers movies, saying, “I’m hoping we’re going to start getting Avenger fatigue. Not that I don’t love the movies. It’s just, come on, guys, there are other stories to tell besides, you know, hypogonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process.”

All this is when the Infinity War is just a few days away from a whopping global debut (box-office predictions are way high and yes, the ratings too).
So, it was obvious that his words would immediately invite the hate response which did come, as soon as the others got to know about the ‘James Cameron interview’ and what he expressed about Avengers and the entire superhero films.
Have a look at the twitter outrage that the users posted against Cameron.
“there are other stories to tell. for example, for some reason I’m going to make 5000 more bloated movies about my sexy blue CGI aliens,” added James Cameron
— priscilla page (@BBW_BFF) 22 April 2018
“there are other stories to tell” in science fiction, says James Cameron, who can’t wait to make 90000 more Avatar movies where he continues to rip off Roger Dean
— priscilla page (@BBW_BFF) 22 April 2018
James Cameron’s SPIDER-MAN script featured a bondage sex scene where Peter webbed Mary-Jane to a bridge and then banged her.
So, you know. There’s that.
— DrewMcWeeny (@DrewMcWeeny) 22 April 2018
I’m gonna need James Cameron to stay in his lane.
First he criticizes Wonder Woman as a feminist icon and now he’s dissing Marvel’s films?
But sure. You go and make 20 more Avatar films, James.— Connor Behrens (@ConnorFilm) 22 April 2018
The world needs more James Cameron movies and fewer James Cameron interviews.
— Keith Calder (@keithcalder) 22 April 2018
Okay, I have a deal for #JamesCameron. If he stops saying dumb stuff about other folks’ popular movies, I will keep saying nice things about TITANIC and AVATAR and rooting for AVATAR 2 to kick all of our asses.
— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) 22 April 2018