Tyranny: it was great. Tyranny: it didn’t sell as well as it should have done. Tyranny: it’s getting an expansion. Tyranny: Bastard’s Wound, such it is named, releases on September 7, and there’s a brand new cinematic trailer, embedded above, to marvel at.
It’ll set you back $14.99 / £10.99 on its own, or you can grab the base game as well for a combined price and a heavy discount on buying them seperately. Pre-orders are up on Paradox’s store.

Source : Google
As for sweet, sweet content, it’s got a whole new region to explore, adventure and (given the sort of thing that happened in Tyranny) completely ruin. There’s also three new quests exploring the stories of Lantry, Verse and Barik, Tyranny’s central trio of companions.
Whether it will be enough for those that claim Tyranny and its abrupt ending are unfinished remains to be seen. It’s on the show floor at Gamescom, so we’ll be able to tell you more soon.