Difficulty in evacuation or emptying rectum with even multiple visits to toilet,
if you are suffering somewhat like this, then, not necessarily you are a case of constipation.
It could even be “Obstructed defecation syndrome”, which sounds similar
to constipation but is a different matter. General symptoms include rectal pain, failure to evacuate, prolonged time in toilet.
Women after pregnancy are prone to this syndrome, especially if they had a kind of injury in the pregnancy term. However, there are even other reasons contributing as a cause for this syndrome.They are hereditary, ageing problem, neurological disorder or any particular damage to your digestive track. A latest study from Delhi claims that Women in age group 45-60 owing to their multiple deliveries or childbirth earlier are the major sufferers of this ODS. Previously, only middle aged women were affected but in recent times even younger women are showing these symptoms.
A survey which was conducted on 1,578 patients across the span of last three years, showed that about the 42% of population is undergoing the pain of ODS. Patients being surveyed were from age group that ranged from 20 to 70 years, about 665 patients showed the symptoms. Roy Patankar, Director of Zen Hospital,who conducted the study stated that, “ODS has come to forefront only in last decade, as it difficult to detect , often patients were given wrong treatment”. The real cause of concern is that people tend to think of ODS has a psychological condition,
they misinterpret it as constipation, piles or fissures and they tend to hesitate to approach for a medical help and give a try to all home remedies. Though now there are medical tests such as colonoscopy, Electromyography and defecography MRI are available to detect ODS. Based on MRI findings, patients are advised to undergo surgery if required, or as per the case, some are given special pelvic exercises and also bio feedback treatment.
Thus, Obstructive defecation, inability to pass stool through the digestive track, majorly
affecting middle aged women, is not a psychological condition and is also completely curable..